Ny kamera

Införskaffade mig en mellanformatskamera i förra veckan och har spenderat lite tid på stan med den!

4 svar

    1. Haha yes! Got like the last 50SII with kit lens available! Its reaally good! Quite slow, but good! Will bring it to the office so you can try it! 😁 Thanks for writing a comment and checking out my site!!

  1. Nice! Never used a digital medium format camera. It’s intriguing. Thanks, that would be awesome. I’ll bring the old Mamiya 645 instead.

    Yeah, I follow it through RSS 🙂 I quite like the series post format, great stuff!

    1. Yes has been eyeing one out for long, was first thinking of the 50R but thought IBIS was really nice to have! Haha yes do it! Heard that the lenses for that system works great adapted on the GFX.
      Cool, so nice to hear! Really makes me want to keep uploading!
      Love the images from you America trips on Glass! That shot from the plane of Golden Gate bridge is amazing!! Added your page there now to my bookmarks aswell 🙌

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